Oil painting, signed by the artist, finished with an off white slip and distressed silver-leaf frame.
About Raymond Campbell
Raymond Campbell was born in Surrey, England, in 1956. He discovered a natural ability and interest in art when he attended High School. After experimenting with various media, from pottery to pen and ink, he finally chose oils.
Initially turning down the chance of formal training at art school, Campbell’s notable talent led him to become a full-time professional artist at the age of twenty-two. Before starting his career as a professional artist, in 1978, he travelled throughout Europe to study the paintings and techniques of the Old Masters.
Out of all the paintings he encountered, it was the still lifes of the 17th Century Dutch painters that captivated and inspired Campbell the most.
Whilst Campbell was working on his style, he supported himself by working in such occupations as grave-digger and fishmonger his determination to paint never faltering. His style of painting then developed and he became so well known and his work so sought after that paintings by him, usually featuring either still lifes or children’s nursery scenes, can be seen in galleries all over the world.
Four-time Royal Academy of Arts exhibitor Raymond Campbell is one of the country’s leading still life artists. Full of fascination and indulgence, Campbell’s paintings have revived the still life genre and brought it elegantly into the 21st century.